Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Pup-date

Brimley has really grown up in the last week.He is getting his adult hair, and his teeth are almost all permanent.

He got his first kiss from the neighbor dog "Bell"......and then made it to second base. We will have a talk with him regarding moral standards soon. He's just such a player.
He has even begun to understand "fetch" and his motor skills are finally fast enough for him to catch toys.
However, with his maturity came a teenagers attitude. Sometimes he gets into things just to see what you are going to do about it. This weekend he thought it was funny when I dry heaved after listening to him crunch down on a decomposing mole he found in the bushes. Yack. He is also smart enough to know that he is too old to be having accidents in the house. So now when they do happen, he covers them up with the nearest rug, or a dishtowel that he has pulled down off of the oven handle. Yeah, he's a smart boy.
We sure do love him though!


The Dillon 6 said...

Don't worry Brim, Malcolm does the same thing. It's a boy thing. ;)

Great pictures!!!

Stef said...

i love that about covering up his potty, how funny. he definatly has gotten bigger and still just as georgeous!

Colton said...

That's hilarious! I do the same thing!

Catch frisbees in my mouth, of course. I wish it was the second base or peeing on the carpet.