Thursday, June 23, 2011


We went outside today to watch a storm come in.
We sat with the dogs.
One of them is ashamed after a minor scolding.
"Don't eat poop!" is what I had to yell.
Sam looks handsome in his new digs.
Sam makes this face after I ask him to show me a smile.
I show the image to him and he laughs.
I laugh too.
What a goofy kid.
I take pictures of Dotty to document her comb growth.
Our friend Colton thinks her gender should be questioned.
I hope that our pretty pullet is not a roo.
My dad says if she is a he, we should plump him up and name him "Dinner."
That will not happen.
We watch the clouds roll in and feed the chickens corn.
They devour most of the can.
Sam eats the leftovers and states, "My corn, nan-icks."
He can't say "chicken" yet.
We all head inside when the rain drops start to fall.

1 comment:

Colton said...

Eh, the jury is still out on Dotty/Dinner. But I bet they love that corn! We always just bought them 50 pound bags of scratch (it is a bunch of random mixed grains) as a treat, and they loved it! But I bet they like people food even better.