Tuesday, April 08, 2008

In Depth

I figured that it was finally time to get personal.

I haven't wanted to get too detailed, but lets face it, I had no problem talking about Matt's colon last September, so my guts should be open to the public as well. Gross, I should have stated that differently.

Anyway, here is the scoop.

Matt and I have been trying for a baby for over a year now. It went by pretty quickly but at the same time it was very arduous and stressful tracking my temperature, playing with "old wives tales" and drinking Robitussin nightly. I have tried everything apart from Matt's "cure all" that he calls "Having sex every hour."

Last year they found what seemed to be "cancerous cells" on my cervix, so they did a biopsy that sent me into contractions for 24 hours. Fun. The Dr stated that the biopsy would give us an idea of why we were having trouble conceiving.


The Biopsy came back totally normal and they still want me to get one every year.

A couple of weeks ago I took my pathetic "body temperature" graph to my Dr. who told me that there was definitely something wrong with my hormones according to the chart.


The blood tests that they ran came back saying that I was a healthy girl. Not anemic. Not diabetic. And not hormonal.

So, I finally got an appointment with a Fertility Specialist here in Seattle, and I really hope that they find something wrong. I know it sounds weird that I would want there to be problems, but if there is something broken, then there is something they can fix! I am really tired of not having any idea what this lack of babies is about!! I think I am doing everything right?

Hopefully 3rd times a charm or I may have to succumb to Matt's suggestion and I'm not sure how well that would fit into my work schedule :)


Loni said...

I am so sorry for everything you have been going through. It really makes me appreciate Jaxson and how quickly things happened for us. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep thinking positive!!

The Dillon 6 said...

it took us a year and a half to finally get pregnant with Laurel. No deatails, but it was less than fun. During the time that we tried, both Madonna AND Michael Jackson became first time parents. We both got tested and all the tests came back "NORMAL" and yet we still didn't get pregnant. It was very frustrating and disheartening. It was shortly after I did the test where they flushed the fallopian tubes that we finally got results. I was "this close" to visiting a fertility specialist.

But then we got Laurel and the wait was well worth it...and the others that followed (in short order) were worth the wait, too. We are probably better parents because we were a bit older.

Sheila has said that accepting that the Lord has a different time table than we do made all the difference for her...and I would agree with that.

Chin up...and if you're going by old wives' tales, Matty's got it backwards...you should let those boys REST for days, even WEEKS before letting them go. ;)

and if this is all too much, I won't be offended if you delete my comment. :)

allison said...

Been there done this many times. You can call me and chat anytime. You guys can come over and chat too. Sam would love to see Matt.

Clark Family said...

My brother and sister-in-law tried invetro 8 times until they got their second child and then they just found out they got pregnant "naturally" without evey really trying. So it does happen! I know it is not very comforting at the moment but everything works out in its own time. I am thinking about you and hope the fertility appointment goes well!!

Bailey Bunch said...

We have gone through all of the ups and downs of trying to get pregnant. We are going through the fertility route now as well. Who in Seattle are you seeing? We see SRM and love them. As far as you not having anything wrong, that is what happened with me. It turned out to be my husband so you might want to get Matt checked. The fertility specialist will probably tell you that. I am here if you ever want to chat because for 5 years we have been going through this stuff. Thankfully we have our beautiful daughter who blessed us through adoption that has kept me going. I understand all the ups and down and hard and frustrating times. Keep with it though and let me know if there is anything I can do for you!:)

Alycia said...

Good luck at the specialist. I hope everything turns out well for you. As for Matt's suggestion, that sounds like every man's dream come true (according to Gabe anyway). :) But I agree with thedillon6 on this one, it's better to be rested and replenished from what I hear. Again, good luck with everything, we'll be praying for you.

Jessica Kettle said...

Holly, I'm sure none of this stuff actually makes you feel "better" but I just wanted to let you know you guys are in our prayers. I have a couple of friends who struggled to get pregnant, and I know how difficult it was for them emotionally and spiritually. But on the sunny side, guess what? One has a baby(18 months of trying, it just happened naturally with some ovulation kit help), one is pregnant with TWINS( four years of trying FIRST try with artificial insemination!!). It will happen for you, I know it! And when it does, you will appreciate every barfy, chubby, emotional, swollen moment. And love it! My prego twin friend is on bed rest and is happy as a clam. It's hilarious! Please keep us posted. Best of luck at the specialist- I feel ya, once there's a known issue, they can FIX it!

Kylee said...

Holly, good luck with everything. I know how hard that can be to want a child and not be able to have one. It is hard now, but soon you will have your precious baby and all the years and tears of trying will be worth it. I will keep you in my prayers!

Adam and Dani said...

I know we don't know each other personally, but I do know what you are going through. My husband ad I have been struggling for years and it does get emotional and hard. We decided to take a break from it all when we moved and just leave it up to our Heavenly Father and have faith that he has some sort of plan. There is an article in the new Ensign that a friend of mine told me to read. The last woman is the one I could really relate to. We will keep you in our prayers! And yes, the "boys" need to rest. My fertility specialist in Issaquah said every other day is good!

Stef said...

I'm so sorry, that's got to be hard, danny's cousin was told she couldn't get pregnant and so they put her on fertility treatments, when that failed her they gave up and decided just to get ready to adopt and then a few months later bam she was pregnant but it was i think close to 2 years for them, and now that her baby is 10 months old she's expecting again, hopefully this will help you guys out or at least kickstart whatever the trouble is into realizing your serious! good luck and your in our prayers!