Friday, July 09, 2010

Jetty Island

When I lived in New York one of my favorite places to go was the Jersey Shore. (I haven't seen the TV show so don't ask me to compare) There's just something about East Coast beaches that I love.

Last year I took a trip with the play group to Jetty Island and I was smitten. It was as close as I could get to the New England beaches.
As soon as the heat wave came through Seattle my friend Quinn and I have been trying to head out to the island. Yesterday we managed to get tickets for the ferry and we spent all day there.We set up camp, complete with a shade fort, and then relaxed to our hearts desires. The boys loved playing in the low tide and splashing in the ocean. The water was so warm and there were plenty of sea plants to play around with. Quinn and I did as much sun bathing as we could with such excited little boys.Sam and Tyler did a lot of snacking and resting under the shade. Quinn and I could not believe how happy our boys were. They made it so easy for all of us to enjoy ourselves.
Just when we thought we couldn't have any more fun, Matthew showed up to join us on our beach day. And he brought with him Ice cream. He's my hero.Sam loved having daddy to play with.When my shoulders started to turn a nice shade of neon red, we figured it was time to go. We packed up our things, hopped on the return ferry and drove home. It wasn't even 2 minutes before Sam was fast asleep in his car seat.
We will be spending a lot of time this summer on Jetty Island. Once my burn turn to tan, we will be back on that ferry for sure!

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