Thursday, February 28, 2008


I wouldnt say that I have a boring job, and there is always something to do around the office. But, occasionally during my down time, I stare out my office window. Most people in my position would watch the Golfers at Willows, or adore the view of the Mountain, but I watch "Martin" the spider catch and eat helpless meals.
(I love how my reflection shows in this picture. I think its rad!)He is my entertainment, and it is very amusing for me to watch him build and repair his huge web while I input numbers into boring spreadsheets. Call me crazy, but for some odd reason, it gets me through the day!
Disclaimer-A nerd at my office just informed me that most web building spiders this size are female. So, "Martin" may be a "Martina". I apologize to all you arachnid lovers for the misconception.


Nick and Tiffany said...

Well, in that case, someone besides you has too much time on their hands. JK. That's a really cool pic though.

The Dillon 6 said...

SOME PIG -- I mean spider. pretty markings!!

Colton said...

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! I heard that some spiders eat their web and then rebuild it every night. One of these times when you are having a really boring day, you should (gently) destroy it and then watch shim rebuild it. There is nothing like that, fo sho!

The Bay A's said...

Yeah s/he seems to be HUGE! My goodness that would give me the heebee geebees!

Lindsey said...

I have some definate chills right now....we have seriously got to talk about your entertainment. I think about spiders and I am sunk...spiders and cats;) They are equally creepy! I'm coming to see you soon my love! For sure, I will be living in Seattle for July-Sept:) Think of the blogging we can do together!! Get excited.

Stef said...

cool picture, and crazy enough I'm the same way I watch the little critters over seeing other things. :)

Alycia said...

You're blog is so fun... it should keep me busy for a while. :) Thanks again for coming to dinner yesterday we had a lot of fun. We're excited for Friday! That's a really cool picture by the way. Are you a photographer too?

Lindsey said...

I have a secret to tell you...what is your email address?