Monday, December 10, 2007

This Weekend...

...Matt and I got to go see Laurel and Malcolm star in "The Pied Piper" at their school. They did such a great job! Laurel was a villager, and had a bunch of lines and Malcolm was a rat. He got to dance around and be silly the whole time. (it was the perfect part for him!) After the show we got to see Laurels class room and enjoy some big cookies. Then we headed over the the Dillon's house for the usual jump-all-over-Matt game and catch up on all the family news. We are sad to live so far away from the kids, but we will be happy to have them over anytime to test the durability of our new house :)
Saturday Courtney, her mom and I went bowling and did a little holiday shopping. Matt stayed home and installed a garage door opener that is so quiet the dog doesn't even know when we get home! Its really great and he did a great job.
Sunday we went to Church for the first time in our new ward. We didn't meet anyone because we only stayed for Sacrament meeting, but it seems like a great group of people.
We got home and Matt put on some football which equals a nap for me. I slept for close to 5 hours! It was so great. I really needed it especially to help fight off this cold.
Matt and I are loving the house and got to bake cookies in our oven for the first time. I did burn the first batch (I made the timer for 7 hours as apposed to the suggested 7 minutes) but the rest were really tasty! We also finally found some furniture that we both love, so we will have a place to sit soon!

1 comment:

The Dillon 6 said...

7 hours usually overcooks the cookies, for sure. ;)

We were so glad you came down! The kids couldn't stop talking about you two. Hope you're feeling better!!!