Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

My parents (and the dogs!) joined us this year to watch the Super Bowl. I am from Arizona, so I was excited to watch the Cardinals win...or not. :( We ate burgers and junky snacks and the dogs had their usual play time. We also got to watch a few of the commercials in 3D. We all felt pretty cool. Even Brimley got in on the action.
We were all pretty upset about the loss, but we had a good time anyway!


Colton said...

Apparently I am the only one that had no idea there were going to be 3-D commercials playing.

It was sad, wasn't it...oh well. I give up on sports forever.

The Dillon 6 said...

ahaa! I love the pictures of the dogs!

Shannon Hunnex said...

that was not enough dogs in the pic, where were the others?