Monday, August 15, 2011

Just sit right back...

...and you'll hear a tale.

On Friday we were invited to join my parents on a boat ride through Lake Washington. Carl, a friend of my Dads, just bought a new boat and wanted to show it off and let us have some fun.

Sam woke up that morning talking about boats and water and fish so we knew this would be an exciting adventure for him.

What we didn't know was that the excitement would only last about 30 minutes in to our 4 hour trip. After a while he grew extremely tired of the life vest he was required to wear and got bored with all the sights. Good thing Carl's boat had cable!
 Sam would occasionally come up to see what we adults were up to.
The best part of the ride was checking out all of the amazing houses on the water.
 Thank you Carl for the fun boat ride!

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