Friday, March 22, 2013


Last week we met a birthmother in Nebraska who wanted to place her baby with our family.

We spoke a lot over the phone and we felt so lucky that we had the chance to meet her, and eventually raise a child because of her.

Last night she called and explained through tears that she had miscarried.

Our hearts sunk. Again.

Dark days.
This adoption journey of ours has really been a hard one. We are constantly reminded by friends and family that our time will come, and it will be so worth it. It's getting harder and harder to believe them.

On a lighter, very exciting note, we are in the running to become a highlighted couple on NBC Dateline. They are doing a story on adoption adds online and they want to interview our family. This could be huge. We are hoping for the always.

Friday, March 15, 2013

March so far

March and I have a love hate relationship. 

This year was no exception. 

The last few weeks I was fighting a horrible upper respiratory infection. It got bad. I ended up in the ER (first time for me!) after I coughed so long and hard that I passed out. 
After tests and meds the Doc instructed me to take a few days off and stay in bed. 
I kind of loved it. So did Hippo. 
 Sam and I have spent a lot of time together. He has put up with a lot of errand running and busy days. He's so patient with his crazy mom. 
 Matty's office has a bowling alley in the basement. We met up with my brother Cory and his girlfriend Alex and took advantage of the free activity. 
I lasted one game before I got frustrated and tired. Good thing I didn't pay a dime!
 We did see some sun this month!
On Saturday we met up with my parents at the Zoo. There is a not a more enjoyable place for us :) 
 Last week marked the 1 year anniversary of Jan's death. We got together for a nice dinner in her memory and then had dessert with our friends Brett and Sheena.
 I got a job shooting pics for a dress shirt company and used my hubby as a model. The picture will be in Skymall magazine!

Oh, and he turned 33 this month. 
 Day's with Court were seldom this month since I was so sick, but I did have a lovely night with her this week. The sunset was incredible. 
Sam is signing so much these days. It's so fun for me to see him with Courtney, and she loves him too! 

There are plenty more days in March, but hopefully they will only bring good times!